What is Sleep Deprivation?
Apr 13, 2021

What is Sleep Deprivation?

Sleep deprivation is something that we all think is normal but it’s definitely not. It can actually be a serious problem.

Here’s why.

Why We All Need Sleep

Let’s get real. Everybody needs sleep. And not just a little. Everyone needs a full night’s sleep.

Sure, you can cut corners once in a while by staying up late or getting up early, but you need to get your sleep eventually. Sleep deprivation is like junk food. It’s fine to have every once in a while, but too much is bad for your health.

Without enough sleep, you’ll have a hard time focusing and a hard time remembering things. You’ll also feel bad in general. Sure, caffeine and whatever will make you feel a little better, but caffeinating your way out of bad sleep isn’t ideal either.

Sleep Deprivation Defined: What is Sleep Deprivation?

Sleep deprivation is easily defined. You need a certain amount of sleep every night. If you don’t get it, then you’re sleep-deprived.

Being sleep deprived might not be a big problem for one night, but the negative effects will pile up if you stay sleep-deprived for too long.

The Negative Sleep Deprivation Symptoms & Side-Effects

Here are some of the symptoms/effects you’ll feel when sleep deprived.

Memory problems - Ever have a hard time remembering someone’s name after they just told you what their name is? Expect that to happen way more if you’re running low on sleep.

Concentration problems - Got a paper to write? Maybe you're working on a big report for work? Maybe you are making a gif for internet klout? Whatever it is, expect it to take way longer for you to finish what you’re working on, because when you don’t get enough sleep, you get very easily distracted.

Mood problems - Have you ever felt like you were getting upset at every little thing? That’s probably because you were stressed or overtired. People who don’t sleep enough just don’t feel good and that usually translates to finding themselves in a bad mood.

Blood pressure problems - When you don’t get enough sleep, you can experience a rise in blood pressure. That’s right. Wait long enough and you might experience real medical problems, not just general grumpiness.

Immune system problems - People who don’t get enough sleep have a lowered immune system. That means you’re more likely to catch a cold or something worse. And while sick days were fun when you were a kid, they’re not as fun when you’re an adult who still has to go to work.

Weight gain problems - When you skip out on sleep, you feel tired. And when you feel tired, you’re tempted to use other methods to get the energy you need. This can look like a sugary caffeinated drink, or it can look like gas station junk food on your way to work. Either way, it’ll look like unhealthy weight gain if you let the habit get out-of-hand.

How To Get The Sleep You Need

We’ve written a lot of articles about sleeping tips, tricks, and routines. And we’d love you to read those if you’re looking to get more sleep. But for now, we’ll share the following tips with you.

  • Put your screens away an hour or two before you sleep
  • Take a warm shower at night
  • Invest in a white noise machine
  • Consider getting an essential oil diffuser or something that makes your sleeping space smell good
  • Write at night with paper and pencil
  • Try a mindfulness routine like meditation

Upgrade Your Mattress Game To Improve Your Sleep Quality

Tired of dealing with the effects from a lack of sleep?

We get it.

If you’re wanting to up your sleep quality and not feel sleep-deprived all the time, consider getting a new mattress. If you feel comfortable, you’ll sleep well. And if you sleep well, you won’t feel sleep-deprived.

Simmons has firm, medium, and plush options for all kinds of sleepers.

So check out our mattresses and fight sleep deprivation the Simmons’ way.

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